Abolishing the auditorium lectures

Brandon Spraggins, Staff Writer

Last year, government was not always held in the conventional classroom. Instead of being lectured with a group of 30 students in a small classroom, nearly 120 students would convene in the auditorium ever Monday and Tuesday as it became a makeshift lecture hall. Instead of holding a discussion, the government teachers would lecture on a rotation; one teacher on the podium, three teachers in the back of the auditorium.

Now, government classes will always be held in the classroom setting, though it is not apparent whether or not the seniors will benefit from this decision.

Though the setting of government classes has changed, the course itself has not. “We did not change anything in terms of academic requirements and units,” government teacher Benjamin Knight said. “The only major change for us is that we are inside a new building.”

This decision was made solely by the government teachers, not administration. “Mass lectures were given to prep kids for college lectures and give them a general idea of how things work,” Principal Ryan Woods said. “Long story short, the government teachers met up with PLC (Professional Learning Community) and have decided not to continue their teaching inside the auditoriums.”

Tanner Bowman, ’18, dislikes the lack of lectures held in the auditorium. “I have older friends who always talked about how much they enjoyed being inside the auditorium for lectures because it was more comfortable then being in a ”normal” learning environment and they were just more comfortable in general,” Bowman said.

Brooke Willis, ’17 didn’t mind the lectures held in the auditorium. “In my opinion, I’m glad that I had the opportunity to be in the auditorium during government,” Willis said. “The mass lectures got me prepared for college even though they were a pain to sit through.”