Johnston High School - 6500 NW 100th St, Johnston, IA

The Black & White

Johnston High School - 6500 NW 100th St, Johnston, IA

The Black & White

Johnston High School - 6500 NW 100th St, Johnston, IA

The Black & White


Editorial Policy:

The Black and White is published solely by the Johnston Senior High School newspaper staff. Its goal is to inform, enlighten and entertain Johnston students. It is an open forum. In accordance with Iowa law and board policy, students assign and edit material and make all decisions of content. The paper is published nine times per school year. The paper will not publish material that is libelous, obscene or an invasion of privacy. The law does not require parental permission to use student quotes. Ethically, we believe students can speak for themselves. Staff editorials represent the opinion of a majority of the editorial board. Editorial and opinion pieces do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the advisor, school officials or the district. Letters to the editor must be signed. Like all material, letters may not be libelous, obscene or an invasion of privacy. Bring letters to room 413 within one week after publication to be considered for the next issue. The Black & White strives to report accurate and timely information. If you believe that an error has been published, please contact the editors at [email protected] The Black and White is a member of CSPA, NSPA, Quill & Scroll, and IHSPA. Recent issues of the paper earned these honors: Columbia Scholastic Press Association Silver Crown Award, National Scholastic Press Association First Class rating, Quill & Scroll Gallup Award, IHSPA state placings and sixth in the National Best of Show.

Anonymous Sources and Pseudo Names

The source of information helps reader decide if it is credible. For this reason, the Black and White believes that using the full name of a source represents sound journalism. There could be situations when a source’s name would not be used, but these occurrences are rare and would be at the discretion of the editorial board. Use of pseudo names will also be rare because the audience could easily mistake the actual identification of the source, which among other problems could cause a legal situation.