Classes compete in coin wars for The Big Give
January 26, 2018
Starting the week of Jan. 22, students began collecting change in large jugs kept in their second period A day classes. Students could sabotage other classes’ jugs by putting dollar bills in them. This would lessen the class’s total. The class with the highest amount of change would win food.
Some teachers are using strategies from prior years to get students to participate.“I think the success of the coin wars is dependent on the excitement of the teacher,” science teacher Dave Oldham said. “If the teacher is excited, the kids will be excited.”
In some teachers’ experience, students’ enthusiasm during the coin war has changed. “Seven years ago the kids were very excited for it,” Spanish teacher Angela Feldman said. “I didn’t do anything different, so I think it was just that particular class, because they kept talking about it and reminding each other of it.”
Even though the students are not always excited about the event, the teachers think the coin wars are worthwhile addition to The Big Give. “As long as you are raising money for a good cause, you can call it a success,” Feldman said.
Last year the high school made $1937.58 for the Iowa Donor with the coin wars.