Conference Bowling

Macy Carmichael, Staff Writer

On Monday, February 7, 2022, the boys bowling team competed in the conference meet at Game Day Lanes. With a record of 7-3, they finished 4th overall at the conference. The state qualifying meet will be on February 15, 2022 at Maple Lanes Bowling Center. Matthew Mikles ’24 said, “I feel like Johnston has a pretty good bowling team and have a shot at state this year. The guys team is only losing a few seniors next year and the junior and sophomore class is pretty talent dense so I am very excited for next year.” 

On Wednesday, February 9, 2022, the girls bowling team had their conference meet at Game Day Lanes. They finished 3rd at the conference, making their record 5-5. The girls team will also be competing in the state qualifying meet on February 15, 2022. Hannah Beveridge ’22 said, “I thought we did really well, it was a fun experience and we all tried our best. That’s what it’s all about.”