English teacher Ed Walker sports demon horns

Shabana Gupta, Staff Writer

The English department has decided to create a spotlight case featuring all the teachers in the department that has a brief description of why each teacher decided to teach language arts. Ed Walker heard about this project and decided to do something a little different. “I don’t want it to be a boring old photo,” Walker said. “I’m thinking of having a student photobomb.”

One of Walker’s students, Destiny Hindman ‘18 is experienced in special effect makeup. “I saw Dani walking around with interesting stuff on her face,” Walker said.

In the past, Hindman has gone through the day with different styles of creatures ranging from clowns to aliens. She has created horns for herself and friends to use in the past.

Walker decided to have demon horns placed on him for the photo, and have his eyes darkened to create a stronger effect. “I think it’s just going to confirm what some people think of me,” Walker said.

Hindman attached her own horns and proceeded to photobomb Walker’s picture. With the help of art teachers Katie Black, Andrew McCormick and Emily Phillips in addition to a few service credit students, Walker had a black curtain hanging behind him for the picture and Hindman grinning over his shoulder.