Finding Our Humanity
Toilet paper shortages are not our biggest concern
Instead of panicking over a lack of toilet paper in stores, try meditating or exercising to calm the mind.
March 28, 2020
Like most Generation Zers I mostly entertain myself with TikToks to distract myself from the unprecedented pandemic that is gripping our world.
One TikTok that was particularly informational was a video by @naomi.corson. Her dad had calculated how many times someone would have to go to the bathroom each day in order to use up the supply of toilet paper people were stocking up on. He concluded that in a family of four, for 14 days quarantined, would have to use the restroom 182 times a day to use up the purchased amount of toilet paper. He ends the video saying, “Now let’s all just calm down.”
“Let’s just all calm down,” should be the mantra during this time of panic and paranoia. The news is filled of stories about people buying excessive amounts of not only toilet paper, but hand sanitizer, medical masks, and cleaning supplies. People with compromised immune systems and medical professionals do not have the resources they need to protect themselves from this virus because some paranoid apocalyptic thinks he needs fifty medical masks “just in case.”
Just the other day I went on a walk with my dog around the neighborhood, and as I was passing by a couple the man stepped back as if I were to lunge out and attack him. He then proceeded to yell, “Six feet! Six feet!”
On the same walk I saw a man driving his car alone wearing a medical mask, even when the CDC clearly states you only should wear masks if you are exhibiting symptoms around other people.
A lot of the hoarding and panicking circles back to a human’s need for control. The world seems to be spiraling, so people feel a small sense of control when they stock up on their toilet paper and hand sanitizer inventory. In order to gain a healthy sense of control, instead try exercise which will increase endorphins and dopamine, boosting mood and overall health. Or try meditating every morning to center the mind and decrease anxiety.
The point is, we do not have to kill each other for toilet paper because we are still people. Would it hurt someone to smile or wave while passing by on the street or in the grocery store? The Coronavirus is not a zombie apocalypse. We can still be friendly with our neighbors without worry of our brains being eaten.
Do not let this virus kill our humanity. Times of crisis bring out the best and worst in people. Let’s take a step back and not allow the Coronavirus to take away the one thing that makes us humans human; our compassion and kindness for others in a time of need.