French Film Festival
French teacher, Tamara Andrews hosts a French Film Festival.
The flyer advertising the Film Festival Event.
February 18, 2020
All over the world, schools and cities host French Film Festivals, where people gather to watch and celebrate French movies.
French teacher Tamara Andrews is hosting her own French Film Festival. “I love learning about the world, and I love learning about other cultures,” Andrews said. “It’s a great way for kids also to improve their French language skills, and also their cultural knowledge.”
The films are available for all students to watch, the idea was intended for all students to be able to participate and enjoy,”It is open to everybody,” Andrews said. “The majority of our viewers are French students, but it’s open to the entire school.”
The movies play each Monday until March 9 in the French room, room 205. The three movies are La Rafle (2/24), Bon Rétablissement (3/2), and Indochine (3/9). Below is a brief description of each film.
The upcoming film is La Rafle on February 24 in room 205. Everyone is welcome to stop by, grab a snack, and enjoy the movie.
“2/24 La Rafle
July 16, 1942. French authorities carry out an extensive raid of Jews in greater Paris, resulting in the arrest of 13,000 people–including 4,000 children. See what this was like for a Jewish family and friends and a nurse who gets caught up in the infamous Vel’d’Hiv Roundup. A beautiful film based on true events.”
“3/2 Bon Rétablissement (Get Well):
A comedy! A man winds up in the Seine River and then in a hospital in the middle of Paris slowly recovering his memory and other broken body parts! He meets a whole new group of people and finally understands more about life for young people and how he ended up in the famous Paris river! Come laugh and learn about modern-day Paris.”
“3/9 Indochine:
An amazing look at the struggle of the people of today’s Vietnam to throw off French colonials. Intense and beautiful! A beautiful cross-country tour of the land of Vietnam.”