Humorous instead of haunting play hits the stage

After the last performance Nov. 1, senior Hannah Miedema gives a hug to junior Cameron Mitchell. “It was fun to being able to work with the other people in the cast and getting to know them as we were preparing for the play,” Miedema said.

Kate Lichter, Online Editor-in-chief

Following the seasonal theme of Halloween, English teacher Jeremy Fitzpatrick took to directing the comedic play “Two Heads Are Better Than One” by Pat Cook. The play is full of odd characters with noticeably loud personalities, ranging from the animated director Max Mercedes to a skeptical Lawrence family. Throughout the play various characters were constantly making an appearance on stage to tell the story of how a once peaceful town is disturbed by a quirky movie making group. All the characters have multiple situations going on at once, such as how Beth Jeffers, played by senior Becca McDowell, is not only trying to deal with a crazy director but learning to love actor Les Powell, portrayed by junior Cameron Mitchell. The filming of the movie has it’s own obstacles to face, leading to more comedic phrases and facial expressions from cast members.

The group worked long hours for a month in order to finalize the play, but the cast and crew found that time to be a bonding experience. Junior Maddie Stoen, who portrayed Mirium Throckmartin a member if the Save Our Bridges Society in the play, went out for the play again after the Crucible last year. “It takes a long time but it’s really worth it,” Stoen said. “Spending that much time with everybody every single day you really create a bond.”

The cast and crew performed the play Oct. 30 and 31 at 7 p.m. and on Nov. 1 at 2 p.m. in the auditorium.