If I Should Go Before You
October 14, 2015
Acoustic Indie song “If I Should Go Before You” immediately struck a chord in me with its gloomy intro. Before listening to this song, I’d only heard City and Colour’s “The Girl” which is completely different in tone from “If I Should Go Before You”, despite them both being love songs. “If I Should Go Before You”, sounds a lot like the title would suggest: subdued, dreary, yet still undeniably a genius piece of work. Preaching how death is not the end of a love, Dallas Green (stage name City and Colour) truly wrote an exceptional yet completely nontraditional love song by incorporating dark themes such as death as he sings, “If I should go, before you / Into the great unknown / I’ll leave my ghost right beside you / You won’t have to wait alone”.
I give this song 4.5 out of 5 stars overall. It’s brilliant lyrically and the music would perfectly fit the mood of an autumn or winter day.