Mid-Winter Band Concert 2022

Laila Hasanovic

(Center) Emma Dummermuth ’22 standing with her fellow band members as the audience applauds Wind Symphony.

Marley Jenkins and Laila Hasanovic

On February 17, 2022, there was a band concert held in the high school auditorium. Concert Band performed first, followed by Symphonic Band, and lastly Wind Symphony. Symphonic played “Trail of Tears”, originally composed by Hal Ketchum.

During the intermission, Eric, also known as “Mattress Man”, spoke about the upcoming Mattress Fundraiser that is going to be held in the high school commons on April 16, 2022. The goal is to sell mattresses locally that are the same quality as typical ones, but they’re cheaper. Proceeds go towards the band program. 

Dylan Coslin ‘22 said “I thought the band concert was, I mean, I’m not gonna lie, it wasn’t like the most fun thing I’ve ever done but it was pretty good. It was better than our last one, I thought the songs were less boring and I think it was a pretty good turnout.”