Protest leads to questions of what flags can be flown at school

Sierrah Mangra-Dutcher

Principal Woods approaches a vehicle flying a confederate flag in the parking lot. Woods approached the vehicle during the April 20 walkout.

Emily Chambers, Staff Writer

Students participated in a walkout April 20, protesting for school safety. The students had varying opinions from wanting gun regulations to honoring the victims from the Florida shooting to wanting to protect the Second Amendment. many students walked out of class to voice their opinions.

During the protest, several trucks looped the parking lot and drove by the protesters near the front entrance of the school several times. The people in the trucks were part of a pro-gun counter protest.

Principal Ryan Woods spoke to a student in a one of the truck which flew a Confederate flag in the bed of the truck. Woods declined to comment on what he said.

Woods said there is not a list of approved and unapproved flags, t-shirts or banners. “A t-shirt with any kind of hate message or anything like that, we would address it immediately, because targeting toward an individual or a group of people, we will ask the kid to take it off,” Woods said. “That sort of thing is disruptive to the learning environment.”

That protocol goes for flags and banners as well.