Quentin Dupieux is my hero


Natalie Larimer, Online Sub-Editor

Quentin Dupieux is amazing. He directed “Rubber” (2010) and “Wrong” (2012), which are on Netflix, as well as “Nonfilm” (2002), “Steak” (2007), and “Reality” (2014). He is a brilliant cinematographer and filmmaker, however odd these movies are. I’m going to give you a glimpse to two of his movies that I’m most familiar with.

“Rubber” is a film about a homicidal tire that uses psychokinesis to blow up peoples’ heads. Stick with me, it gets weirder. An accountant teams up with the sheriff and sets up an audience with binoculars to watch the tire on his serial killer adventure. Then the tire falls in love with a woman, whom he originally attempts to kill, and gets a motel room next to hers. Then there’s an awesome plot twist where we find out that they are in a movie within the movie that only the accountant and sheriff know about. Crazy right? It gets crazier, but I can’t say anything else without giving away any more spoilers.

“Wrong” is another one of my Dupieux favorites. The main character, Dolph, wakes up to find out that his dog, Paul, is missing. After a chat with his neighbor (played by the same guy who is now the dad in “Dog with a Blog” on Disney channel) about how his neighbor hates running and is now going to drive away, Dolph places an odd call to a pizza company about their logo. His gardener points out that his palm tree has turned into a pine tree and things develop from there. Turns out that the office that Dolph works at has indoor rain (all over their computers and papers) and he was actually fired from there months ago. Trust me, it gets even weirder. It’s beautiful.

The thing I love about Quentin Dupieux is that he pulls together such crazy stories and characters that it starts to make you think about your normal life in a new light.

“Rubber” showed me how important my decisions actually are and also that sometimes things happen for no reason at all. Plus, his cinematography is the most gorgeous thing in the entire world and serves as an inspiration for me to continue with photography.

Honestly, it’s encouraging to know that my wild ideas are completely normal compared to his insane plots, and look how much success he’s had with those. “Rubber” and “Wrong” are on Netflix, as well as other works by Dupieux, and I insist that you all watch at least one of them. You must know, however, that these were shown at a French film festival. So that explains the craziness.