What to Expect when Flunking Classes
April 19, 2019
Sometimes whether desired or not a person may wind up flunking a class. Counsler Julie Fulton says the flunk rate of classes are exceptionally high. Usually, when students flunk they come to her. What counselors do is offer advice, or simple little tricks to help students boost their grades. “Entering study groups like ones provided during Dragon Time is a great way to get help,” Fulton said. Creating lists in order to get a better understanding of what needs to get done, and working with teachers to get a plan going to turn in work could also help.
High risk teacher Lisa Noe is a teacher who helps students who are at risk of dropping out of high school. She says one of the best things that can help flunking students is their parents. Getting parents involved helps fix the problem at home and get it sorted out quickly. She is also very interested in student’s mental health. “If there is something as far as their mental health our counselors work closely with them,” Noe said. “We have a couple of mental heath therapists at school.” They also connect students with social workers that can take appropriate measures if needed.
The students who are at risk of flunking their classes are not always at the bottom of the academic pyramid. “So my junior year I really had a hard time [managing AP classes] and I had a teacher offer me a different project like a extension because I was so far behind,” Student said. “I was trying to balance a job and my AP courses and it got out of hand. Some teachers are willing to help you so you won’t fail but not to recover your grade in time.” Sometimes the ease of turning those F’s into A’s just depends on the willingness of the teacher to help.
There is always the possibility that students lack the enthusiasm to go to class. Fulton states that attendance has been a issue in the past where students do not show up. This is especially large in some of the elective classes. “No matter what I tell them they think there hurting the teachers but the only thing that they are hurting is themselves,” Noe said. Showing and giving effort are two different things but over all just being present is a must. Sometimes students have conflicts that interfere with classes in these events counselors like Fulton creates make-up times to help these students.