What’s up with WhatsApp

Here is a screenshot of WhatsApp on the iPhone.

Carly Kinning, Sub Editor

Facebook recently made a $19 billion purchase for WhatsApp, a messenger app that can connect the iPhone, Android, BlackBerry, Nokia S40, Nokia Symbian, and Windows Phone in almost any country around the world with ease.

This app should be noticed with spring break being just around the corner. The phones listed above can use this app when they are out of the states to communicate as long as they are on WiFi or data.

The app not only allows texting, but unlimited texting for free during the first year, and for 99 cents each year after. This will give the opportunity for those going on vacations out of the country to stay in touch with friends and family in that country with them, or friends and family back home at no cost.

An unlimited texting plan is used in place of texting plans in other countries, because they can become very expensive outside of the United States. According to CNN, WhatsApp is the number one messaging app in the world with over 450 million users.

Also according to CNN, Mark Zuckerberg estimates that this app is soon going to connect one billion users.

The way this app works is very simple. First download the app, and then enter your name and phone number. After that, it will send a six-digit code to your number, which will need to be entered for verification.

Then the app will transfer all of your contacts to the app. Your contacts that are already using the app will be automatically added to your favorites, but can be adjusted. You can also post a status to show under your name for people to see in their contact lists.

WhatsApp seems to have many perks, one of them being it’s clean design that has much resemblance to iMessage on all of the usable devices. The app allows group chatting from any device it can be used on, all while still having the clean and easy to manage look.

Overall, this app is a great thing to have on your device, and is worth the time to download and learn how to use.