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Senior Riley Deutsch eats a sample of Cherry Blossom Chicken outside the lunchroom. The food was set out in order for the cafeteria staff to receive feedback on whether or not to serve this entree for lunch. Each sample was given with a toothpick and when students were done they placed it in a basket labeled "Yes, I would buy this" or "No, I would not buy this."
Senior Riley Deutsch eats a sample of Cherry Blossom Chicken outside the lunchroom. The food was set out in order for the cafeteria staff to receive feedback on whether or not to serve this entree for lunch. Each sample was given with a toothpick and when students were done they placed it in a basket labeled “Yes, I would buy this” or “No, I would not buy this.”
Mallorie Goodale

Asian food sampling

Outside the cafeteria, Kyra Eidbo, a representative for Hocken Newburgh gave out samples from Asian Food Solutions of Cherry Blossom Chicken. The samples were given because the cafeteria staff is looking for new entrees to serve and wanted feedback from students and teachers. Along with the samples, there was an entree choice of Cherry Blossom Chicken today for lunch.

In order to get feedback, the samples were given on a toothpick. After eating the chicken, students and teachers placed the toothpick in a basket labeled “Yes, I would buy this” or “No, I would not buy this.” If the entree is well received, the food will be kept on the menu.


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