Johnston High School - 6500 NW 100th St, Johnston, IA

The Black & White

Johnston High School - 6500 NW 100th St, Johnston, IA

The Black & White

Johnston High School - 6500 NW 100th St, Johnston, IA

The Black & White

Jake Atterberg ‘19 stands in front of a column in  Park Güell, while the rest of the group stands around him. “ I felt like me being with only girls on the trip wasn’t bad at all, however I was used as the butt of a large number of jokes because I was the only guy,” Atterberg said.

Viva España

March 30, 2018

It is a year of new beginnings and the Spanish department is jumping on board with its newly offered trip to Spain. The trip is not the typical vacation with an itinerary that solely consists of museums...

Voyage a la France

March 30, 2018

Last year many students opened up their homes to foreign exchange students from France. This year the tables were turned and Johnston Students were given the opportunity to travel to France over spring...

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