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Industrial Technology teacher Nick Crosse holds both of his grants he received on Friday November 1st. The grants will pay for a VEX Robotics Classroom Expansion and Lynxmotion Robotic Arms to benefit the PLTW classes and TSA.
Industrial Technology teacher Nick Crosse holds both of his grants he received on Friday November 1st. The grants will pay for a VEX Robotics Classroom Expansion and Lynxmotion Robotic Arms to benefit the PLTW classes and TSA.
Ellen Bennett

Crosse earns grants to benefit PLTW classes and TSA

Industrial technology teacher Nick Crosse earned two grants from the Johnston Community School Foundation Nov. 1.

The first grant that Crosse received was $3,140 for a VEX Robitics Classroom Expansion. These robots will help the growing student club, Technology Student Association (TSA), compete at competitions using the VEX robots.

The second grant was $2,353.56 for Lynxmotion motion robitic arms. Crosse thinks the arms will expand the Project Lead the Way (PLTW) computer integrated manufacturing students experience (CIM) and enable them to solve problems using multiple systems and machines.

“They will enable the PLTW classes to expand and give the students more real world experiences,” Crosse said.

Crosse’s grants were the only two awarded at the high school building. The Foundation gave out $44,000 worth of grants.


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