Finding a purpose
December 19, 2016
Joshua Hanauer ’18 welds in Mitch Eagles’ workroom during first period. Eagles and his students started the project in late 2015.
While this project does not include all of the alumni from Johnston serving, all of the firefighters, police officers and soldiers who took one of Eagles’ classes will be represented in Eagles’ project. “These are the students I know personally,” Eagles said. “I’m pretty proud of that and I think they should get a little recognition.”
So far, Eagles has 22 alumni, going back to 2007. As long as Eagles’ students continue to pursue public safety careers, Eagles will remember more names and he will keep adding them to the project. The project will never be completely finished. “It’s a tribute to any of my students that took an oath to protect the country, the constitution, or their community,” Eagles said.
Although Eagles has not served in the military or as an officer, his experience with military bases and his time as a firefighter has given him an inside look on the duties of these men and women. “All the time it takes away from your family; it’s a big commitment,” Eagles said.