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Fulton resigns as assistant track coach

Fulton resigns as assistant track coach

This spring girls’ track will have a new assistant coach.

Lacey Fulton, the shotput and discus coach, decided to resign for this upcoming track season.

“I coached it last year and it was very hard to be away from my son and husband on those long nights of track meets.” Fulton said, “I coach volleyball as well. Since that takes up a lot of my fall I wanted to really be able to spend time with my family when volleyball was not in session.”

Fulton resigned at the end of last year’s track season.

The new coach for girls’ shotput and discus is Steve Kaster.

“Kaster seems like he knows what he’s doing with the basic conditioning. He’s very hard core,” junior Bailey Pierroti said, “It’s a big change from coach Fulton since we all were so close with her. It will take some adjusting but I think we will be good this season because of him.”

Although Fulton is happy to be spending more time with her family she will miss all the track girls and the memories with them.

“They are a great group of girls who are hardworking, very funny, and always added a lot of character to my day,” Fulton said.

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