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Johnston's Big Give gives to new places

Johnston’s Big Give gives to new places

Approximately five years ago, an idea of a “Week of Giving”  was started by student council. Little did they know the success that it would soon bring to the Johnston community.

Johnston’s Big Give is the biggest fundraising event of the year for Johnston High School. Compared to Dig Pink and smaller fundraisers, the Big Give raises almost $5,000 more than all the others combined.

Last year, the Big Give raised $10,700 for solely the American Cancer Society. This year, student council decided to donate the money a little differently.

Instead of one big organization to give all the money to, the decision was made to divide the money throughout the Johnston Community by donating to The Partnership Place. The Partnership Place includes places like the food pantry and the clothing closet, as well as senior citizen groups and low income families, all a part of the Johnston community.

“We wanted to do something that would unify our community and bring not only the students together, but also others around us,” senior Katie Marckmann, student body president, said. “By donating to the Partnership for Healthier Community the clothes closet and the food pantry, we can help out the people that utilize those resources.”

Another reason for the money being donated around the community is to help families going through hard times. “Every year, [student council] will pick a cause,” science teacher and student council advisor Chris Beguhn said. “This one started with that it’s an anniversary of a tough time for Johnston students. So that idea of being there for each other and being there for our community kind of transpired.”

In order to give back to the entire community, student council has been investigating other local organizations to give back to.

“We have talked to Bishop Drum as far as doing things that help our senior citizens,” Beguhn said. “We’ve also got kids talking to Camp Dodge finding out what we can do for our families with soldiers potentially deployed.”

There is a multitude of ways students can get involved with Johnston’s Big Give. This year, the give will be going on approximately from Jan. 25 through Feb. 10, and throughout that time students can choose activities to do to help give back to the community.

Things like canned food drives and clothing drives will be held along with donating toiletry items/school supplies in advisory. Also each advisory will make a tie blanket. 

Another way students can be involved in this years Big Give is by participating in or attending the talent show, being a part of designated restaurant nights and dodgeball intramurals. Also there is a potential that there will be a raffle during a basketball game.

“Will we raise as much money this year as we did for cancer?” Beguhn said. “Maybe not, but again, the activities are part of what is going to be important too.”

The main reason for this year’s Big Give donations all comes back to the community.

“All of the different activities are about Johnston coming together, not just as a high school, but as a community and supporting each other and being there for each other,” Beguhn said.


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