Going back to 2006, The Kooks’ best selling song of their career “Naive” contains instrumentals that brings back the garage band days. It’s clear the band is from overseas, and could be a vamped up version of the 1975, with how the two use their British accent within their vocals. The lead vocalist and guitarist Luke Pritchard has unique vocals that would only correspond to The Kooks. The guitar line is prominent within this song along with the rest of the album “Inside In/ Inside Out” such as in the song “Seaside” which though played with an acoustic guitar, the band is obviously more invested within the instrumentals. However, the indie band keeps up with the “Naive’s” sound trend throughout the rest of the album. The track could be heard at a music festival such as the local ones, 80/35 and Hinterland. Overall I’d give the song a 4 out of 5 due to of the up beat tempo that could get you out of bed every morning, however musically I would definitely say the other track’s on the album could trump “Naive” instrumentally and lyrically.