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New iPad keyboards available

Students have been using their new iPads to type papers and do a numerous amount of assignments. This can get difficult when writing a five-page essay with just an iPad screen keyboard.

The library recently solved this problem by purchasing iPad keyboards that are available to check out and use during the school day. The process is just like checking out a library book. There are 30 keyboards that can be checked out. “I think the new wireless keyboards are a preference thing,” Cookie Cranston, library associate, said. “If you like the computer keyboard it’s easier to type a big paper on.”

The new keyboards are available for one hour. If a student needs more than one hour with the keyboard, it is available for re-checking out. There is a fine of $1  everyday the keyboard is turned in late. If the keyboard breaks, the student must pay full price to replace it.

Don’t forget to check out the library if you have any questions on these new keyboards.

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