NHS sells carnations

NHS sells carnations

The National Honor Society (NHS) will be selling carnations from Jan. 28 – Feb. 11, and they will be delivered on Feb. 14.

Students of NHS sell carnations in order to fundraise to pay their dues.

“It gives the students an opportunity, if there is a financial issue or something, to pay their $20 a year,” World Studies and AP World History teacher Jessica Dowell said. Dowell also serves as the NHS organizational leader said. “We have to renew our membership with the National Council every year, and there are supply things we need to take care of as well as administrative things we need to pay for to run the organization.”

Any money that is left over from the fundraiser will be put into student scholarships. There is one $500 scholarship and one $250 scholarship that Dollars for Scholars matches.

“The students can fundraise their dues and then they can help the organization as well,” Dowell said.

To buy a carnation a student should either find a NHS member, Dowell, or English teacher Sarah Moore, another leader of NHS. Each carnation will be $1. “It’s a tradition the students have had in order to fundraise,” Dowell said. “It’s fun, easy, popular, and the students really enjoy it.”

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