Johnston High School - 6500 NW 100th St, Johnston, IA

The Black & White

Johnston High School - 6500 NW 100th St, Johnston, IA

The Black & White

Johnston High School - 6500 NW 100th St, Johnston, IA

The Black & White

Ms. Hayes in her classroom.

World According to Hayes

Anna Catlett April 27, 2023

One of the many new faces amongst Johnston High School teachers is Rylee Hayes, the world history teacher is in her first year of teaching. Her bubbly personality and positive energy have had an impact...

Humans of JHS: The Officers

Humans of JHS: The Officers

Anna Catlett, Staff Writer March 30, 2023

Opening the door, answering the phone, handling behavior, attendance, and grades, checking students in and out, and so many other jobs are performed by Johnstons administrative assistant Melissa Officer.  The...

Cupids Curse

Cupids Curse

Anna Catlett, Staff Writer March 7, 2023

Valentine's day is dedicated to showing admiration for your loved ones. At least, that is what it is supposed to be, but for many reasons, this holiday is poorly executed. Whether it be the extremely materialistic...

Issues In The Johnston Parking Lot

Anna Catlett, Staff Writer October 4, 2022

Trying to navigate the Johnston High School parking lot is like fighting in a warzone. Whether you're struggling to park while simultaneously dodging the car charging at you from the wrong lane, or stuck...

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