Johnston High School - 6500 NW 100th St, Johnston, IA

The Black & White

Johnston High School - 6500 NW 100th St, Johnston, IA

The Black & White

Johnston High School - 6500 NW 100th St, Johnston, IA

The Black & White

Peace out JHS

Peace out JHS

Natalie Larimer, Online Sub-Editor May 13, 2015

Shipp might just yank her hair out over this column, but I’m going to write it anyway. I am so close to being done with high school that I can physically taste the freedom, and not in the general American...

Houseplants are great

Houseplants are great

Natalie Larimer, Online Sub-Editor May 5, 2015

I love houseplants so much. They are literally so cute and are really good for you and your room/house and I’m just going to go on a little PSA about houseplants. First off, they give off oxygen,...

Twitter recommends….

Twitter recommends….

Natalie Larimer, Online Sub-Editor April 28, 2015

I love movies. If I was talented enough, I would pursue a career in film-making. That being said, I haven’t actually seen a lot of movies that are incredibly important to other people. So I sent out...

How to do a final project

How to do a final project

Natalie Larimer, Online Sub-Editor April 21, 2015

Finals suck. Fact. My only saving grace is those glorious teachers who decide to have a final project instead of a final test. Normally people groan when they’re assigned a project, but just listen to...

My music suggestions

My music suggestions

Natalie Larimer, Online Sub-Editor April 15, 2015

I just wrote a column a couple weeks ago about respecting musical tastes and what people like to listen to. I’d like to take this one and recommend music that I fill my life with and hope that you all...

Turn down for dressing up

Turn down for dressing up

Natalie Larimer, Online Sub-Editor April 7, 2015

Walking through the halls this week, one might see Ghandi, three Joni Ernst look-alikes and an udderless cow. Why? Because it's Spring Fling week, so get excited. Even if you're not going to prom,...

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