Forced future planning


Joe Kronberg, Staff Writer

The main point of Advisory is to be a way that students prepare for the future, whether it be college or going into the workforce.

In theory, it’s an excellent idea to help students with very little or no future plans, however, as someone who has already been accepted with plans for majors and even housing planned, the process is tedious.

I wouldn’t mind Advisory nearly as much if it was allowed to be used as a study hall for those who have completed all of the preliminary requirements, or have at least applied to their desired classes, but in at least my class, I’m forced to do all of the work of picking out colleges from their list, taking useless surveys to “discover my true passions,” and am rather firmly told that I am required to participate.

“I don’t think it should be required, it’s kind of a waste of time since I’ve already applied,” said Andy Dizdarevic, ’18. “I feel like the Family Connections does help out with applications and getting started, but if you’ve already applied I don’t think it matters.”

Frankly, it’s ridiculous. I’d be willing to even show some form of proof that I am actually enrolled and not just someone that doesn’t feel like participating.

If I’m enrolled with plans for a major, is it really necessary that I take a survey to show my “passions,” when I’m going into a form of education that’s meant to expand my knowledge and interest in that area?

“The kids who don’t know what they’re doing should really go through that process,” Diszarevic said. “But those with plans should just have a study hall.

Naturally, it’s highly likely that myself and other students will change their major once they get to college, or simply realize that they didn’t have as big of an interest as they believed, but it’s not like a survey will tell me that or change my mind on any plans. Most of the options for future careers provided didn’t appeal to me in the least, so in my mind, it was just a waste.

“I guess the survey kinda showed me what they think I should be,” said Dizdarevic,”But in my personal, it’s about what I want to do so it didn’t help me at all.”

Of course, I’m sure there are other students who it’s extremely helpful to figure out what they may excel with, or simply begin planning, but I feel like many students like myself shouldn’t be forced when the plans have been made, and in some cases finalized.